Blind Flange


Blind flanges according to EN1092-1 Type 05 (DIN 2527) are often used in installations, piping systems or in equipment construction to close an open pipe end. We can supply suitable blind flanges for every quality, pipe size and pressure class.

  • Available pressure classes PN 6 – PN 100
  • Higher pressure classes (outside EN-standard) available with corresponding thickness
  • Different sealing surfaces available like Nut (Form D) or according specification
  • Dimensions up to DN 2000


We deliver blind flanges in the following material grades:

DIN standard EN standard
Carbon steel
C22.8 P250GH
Rst 37.2 S235JRG2
15Mo3 16Mo3
13CrMo44 13CrMo4-5
W/TSTE 355 P355QH1
10CrMo9-10 11CrMo9-10
Stainless steel
1.4301 / 1.4307 / 1.4541
1.1104 / 1.4404 / 1.4571
1.4462 (Duplex)
1.4501 (Superduplex)