Explosion Proof Low Voltage Series
- Safe and Reliable
- High performances and efficiency
- Simple Manutenction
Category | Categoria 11 |
Frame size (mm) | H 80 – H 500 |
Kw | 0,75kW – up to 1.100kW |
Voltage | 380 V – 400 V – 660 V – 690 V – 1140 V |
Poles | 2-4-6-8-10-12 |
Cooling System | IC 411, IC 416 |
Hz | 50 – 60 Hz / Suitable to work under VSD |
Sectors | Air Treatment, Food Industries, Mines, Oil and Gas, Petrochemical Industries, Pharmaceutical |
Fields Applications | Boylers, Compressors, Fans and Blowers, Heating and air conditioning HVAC, Pumps, Rolling Mill & Steel Plant Equipment |
Operational Conditions:
The motors for ATEX zones are divided into two groups:
- GROUP I: explosion-proof motors for use in mines.
- GROUP II: ATEX explosion-proof motors for surface installations.
The ATEX electric motors of the OMEX series fall into the category GROUP II (II 2 G). They have the following technical characteristics:
- Frame size 80-355.
- Cast iron body
- Power in 0.75 and 315 KW
- II B / HC + III C
- IP 55