Repair Electro-Hydraulic Thruster Ed 2000/120


Repair Electro-Hydraulic Thruster Ed 2000/120

Our Company can repair any Electro-Hydraulic Thruster model

With thruster repair kits available from stock, meaning short application down time, our thruster repair service is often seen as a cost effective method to thruster replacement.

The thruster repair service, completed by tecnicians with many years experience consists of strip-down, cleaning of all parts, check & test of motor windings (re-wind if necessary), replacement of all bearings, seals, gaskets, repainting in original factory colour, oil fill, 2 hour load / temperature test, and certification.

To discuss both the range of electro-hydraulic thruster brakes and our thruster repair service, contact us at


Zwalniaki Elektrohydrauliczne
Elektrohydraulische Hubgeräte
Электрогидравлические толкатели
Frein électrohydraulique
Elektrohydraulický Odbržďovač
Elektrohydraulických Přístrojů
Elektrohydraulické Přístroje
Elektrohidraulikus Emelő
Електрохидравлични тласкачи
Atuadores Eletro-hidráulicos